Beautiful Soul
This excites me, helping you advance your intuitive abilities to see more clearly in the body!
I'm a born mystic and spiritual teacher, intuitive, energy healer, and divine communicator. My work is like water to me, I thirst for it, play within it and find tons of joy helping others activate the missing piece within their own intuitiveness.
Ignite Your Healing Practice With X-Ray Vision
All highly intuitive people have a pattern… What if I told you that you can use the SAME formula to unlock your ability to see into the body?
Does the idea of intuitively scanning the body feel like the impossible? Other people can but you can’t? Doubting if what you're seeing is intuitively correct? Feel like you're making it up? Or, here's the bigger one, it just feels like too much responsibility!
know, I've been there. Actually, too many times to count. What I have learned is that using your intuition is innate but to get really good at anything, you have to learn the right skills.
I've spent 12 years doing just this so that I can help others have simple yet impactful methods to unlock their intuition, to clear their beliefs and blocks. Then the best part, master the skills that it takes to become unapologetically confident in their own intuition. And it all starts with knowing which practices to put into play.
I have seen a lot through my years of practicing and teaching over 60 healing and psychic mastery programs, to know what works and what doesn't work. That's why I’ve created this online program Intuitive Body Scanning.
Have you ever wondered what gives some intuitives the edge when it comes to scanning the body? It’s like the universe opens up for them and reveals everything instantly.
As an intuitive there is nothing sweeter!
As intuitives, we all understand that there is nothing sweeter than helping others have meaningful energetic shifts. The more detailed your reads become the sweeter the shifts for you and your clients.
You know those jaw dropping moments when you are intuitively scanning the body, the moments that change everything for your clients. In the background you're probably even a little wowed with what you saw intuitively -then the cherry on top, everything falls into place.
But, do you ever wonder why this isn't the case every time? Grasping for straws when you're working with yourself or your clients for clear intuitive insight or feeling completely blocked, is way too much work. Yet, all you want is for the universe to open up and show YOU everything instantly.
I know, I feel you.
I used to work SO HARD when scanning the body. I’d spend crazy amounts of my psychic energy scanning the body to receive messages that help clients and students have radical transformation. But, often I'd find myself doing the heavy lifting. That's when this 1 essential truth was revealed. In fact one of my students recently had an enormous breakthrough once she learned to identify this key element in her scans.
“This course has opened so many doors for me intuitively. The most powerful lesson I've gained through learning this work is truly understanding free will. Once I was able to understand what free will looks like in many aspects, it helped me call my power back and really see what the truth is for the person/animal rather than what I was feeling needed to shift. I appreciated that there was a lot of emphasis and explanation around this in the course.” Shayleigh Evens
This is a potent discovery and it's what many intuitives, just like yourself, often miss. Your ability to identify and literally see the impact of freewill is what gives you the edge as an intuitive reader. That's why this course holds the key to identifying freewill and the important role it plays in every outcome.
Effective -Efficient - Accurate
You not only want but in order for you and your clients to thrive, you need to be successful at creating powerful and authentic spiritual and energetic shifts. Lucky for you, I've had years of practicing, perfecting and teaching (getting it right and getting it wrong) with intuitive scanning and I've wrapped all the secrets up especially for you, to make your intuitive scanning like X-Ray vision. The beauty of dialing in X-Ray like vision, for any intuitive, is the increased ability of receiving intuitive insights with greater accuracy, making your role much easier to perform.
What I have found and want to share with you is that it's less about the amount of effort you're putting into getting “the answers” and more about knowing what to pay attention to. Not understanding or recognizing client interference, can cause you to:
Feel like you need to do more which makes you overly responsible in the read
Feel that you are blocked in some way
Or that you're getting it wrong, which creates an imbalance in energetic exchange
I know you're feeling me here. That's why this course, Intuitive Body Scanning is a must have, filled with the secrets to unlock and enrich the way you receive intuitive insights and these four essential scanning techniques are just the beginning.
1. Scanning the light body
See, know, feel or hear with greater detail as you unlock the secrets of scanning the light body
2. X-Ray Vision Scanning
Receive in depth feedback from the lightbody and gain the tools that you need in order to identify what is getting in the way of dynamic shifts for both you and your clients
3. Spark of light scanning
This is a true test of the reader and incredibly rewarding as you move through the body in unity with its systems gaining instant feedback and profound insights. These scanning methods are an absolute must have in your skill set.
4. Expansion scanning
I typically reserve this technique for the more advanced practitioner but got too excited to leave this process out. From the light, learn how to receive highly accurate intuitive insights as you practice expanding your energy into who you are reading.
These curated techniques allow you to be effortless as you receive messages of clear truth that are easily relayed back to you.
The Universe wants to show it all to you (or as much as you can handle) but, you my friend, may be blocking it. Yes, free will can be the block but it's not the only one. Your fear, your doubt and your beautiful ego obstruct your ability to have X-Ray vision while intuitively scanning the body.
I know, I've been there too.
I had fear of seeing too much so I would block my gift of sight. Then, I had so much doubt around scanning, the thoughts would swirl in my head, am I getting this right? Am I making this up?
I have watched my students and clients get in their heads over and over again with doubt and fear that ultimately blocks what they are craving the most, which is to see clearly and with high accuracy when it comes to scanning the body.
Here’s what a recent student had to say,
“The clarity of what I am seeing/hearing and knowing has grown so much through this course” Joni D.
What I've noticed is that half the battle is attached to the way you are connected to intuitive information. That’s why to be fearless, free of doubt and to put your ego on pause, you must have these three essential keys of connection.
These 3 keys
Center you in your body
Connect you to the nurturing and support of Gaia
Connect you to the Divine and the Law of Truth
And once you do, it's like having the keys to the kingdom for your intuitive scanning.
Dialing in these 3 essentials, gives you keys that help unlock what's been stuck in someone's energy field, and the beginnings of creating powerfully dynamic shifts for all those that you work with.
Now, if you are ready for those jaw dropping moments when you are intuitively scanning the body, the moments that change everything for your clients and in the background you're even a little wowed with what you saw intuitively, followed by the cherry on top where everything falls into place. Then my experience is everything and I am going to share all of mine with you. The past 12 years I have been teaching spiritual and psychic development courses and watched my students go from being pretty good at scanning the body to becoming undeniable experts.
I’m ready to share with you everything you need to know about intuitively scanning the body, all the secrets that will make you stand out from other experts in the intuitive and energy field.
If you already know how to scan the body then you might be wondering why you need to have the secrets I reveal in Intuitive Body Scanning.
Well, it's because, there are some things commonly missed when intuitively scanning the body simple because you haven't discovered the key elements to look for.
- How are your clients influencing the psychic information you receive?
- How are your clients impacting the outcome
Everyone has powerful psychic energy, including your clients, it's just that you actually often can't see how their psychicness is influencing your ability to have clear x-ray vision in your scans. This psychic interference becomes entangled in your psychic field and before you know it, you're taking on their stuff which is overwhelming to your psychic senses.
I've been there, but knowing when your clients want change and when they don't then being able to clearly identify identify the "why" your client doesn't want the change is what
Brings the results you and your clients need
Takes the over efforting out of the playing field
And what if I told you that once you dial in this little secret, you will have the key to unlock what's been stuck in someone's energy field, and the beginnings of creating massive shifts for all those that you work with. Get ready because you are about to have the keys to the kingdom.
Welcome to this self-paced online course, which is designed to assist energy healers, intuitives, and those who are experienced in dabbling with healing. The course aims to provide you with accurate intuitive and meaningful information about the human body and equip you with the essential tools and techniques to make a real difference in the lives of your clients and yourself. Who wouldn’t want that, right?
Perhaps you have tried other courses before, but let me explain what sets this course apart.
Believe it or not, accessing the intuitive wisdom of every person you work with should be an easy task. If you have not found it to be true, then there might be some missing elements in your skill set. Sometimes, all it takes is a little adjustment, and voila!
This online course is specifically designed to help you improve your ability to read the body. Acquire these three simple and effective scanning techniques while gaining the 3 keys of connection so you can go from being pretty good at scanning the body to becoming an undeniable expert.
Why is this so important?
The body and soul work in perfect harmony to aid in spiritual growth. If your psychic senses aren't trained to recognizing essential patterns of energy in your scans, you and your clients could be missing out on instrumental body and soul advancements.
This course is designed to help you develop and/or advance your intuition in order to receive clearer insights while scanning the body, to help both you and your clients advance on the souls' journey.

This approach is efficient, precise, and won’t drain your energy.
It's definitely time to elevate your scanning abilities, deepen your intuitive insights and have the edge in your scans and...with unapologetic confidence!
That's why our focus is to see into the body with total clarity. With these 3 unique methods of scanning the body, you are on the right track! Each one of these scans increases your ability to receive meaningful and accurate information. Less effort for you and greater shifts for you and your clients.
This online course offers a safe and nurturing environment as you are guided through each scanning method, building a beautiful foundation that is not only safe but shapes confidence.
You will discover that one of the most potent components you need to know when scanning, is how to connect to then read from your own light body and the light body of your clients. That’s why this course focuses on guided exercises and meditations that take you on a journey exploring information the light body has to share and where to place your focus in your scans.
Then there is this -You're human, you've got your stuff and your stuff can definitely blind your ability to read the body. Fear, resentments, judgements, anger and hatred will get in the way. This course shows you how to approach beliefs, programs, physical and spiritual challenges from love and wonder. Master this, and the body will show you everything you need to know.
This is a unique program that offers a safe, nurturing, and powerful community for those seeking it.
Here's why you need Intuitive Body Scanning:
Four powerful and proven scanning techniques
In-depth videos with guided processes
Connecting to then scanning from your Lightbody
Scanning the body in the light of the Divine
Learn to work smarter not harder in your scans
Seeing free will at play and why your clients need it to be
Meet the Law of Truth
Curated tools and techniques to enhance your scans
Safe and nurturing environment to learn, discover and grow as an energy healer, intuitive or dabbler
The 3 essential keys to connection (keeping you protected and energized)
2 group calls on Thursday June 11th and June 25th at 2 PM Pacific, with like-minded community. Don't worry, if you can't make it, the recording will come right to your inbox.

Connection matters! That's why the 3 keys of connecting have been curated with your wellbeing in mind.
Through guided meditations and specific techniques, master the 3 essential keys to connection to advance your reads, be supported by the Earth and the Divine and to prevent you from taking on others’ stuff.

You want powerful shifts for your clients and for yourself. Here is what so many experts like yourself miss
Freewill creates the most powerful impact when it comes to people shifting from where they are to where their soul is ready for them to go.
Discover the process of identifying free will and why it's important in taking you and your clients as far as you can go to create dynamic shifts.

These 4 curated scanning techniques
1. Scanning from the outside of the body
2. X-Ray vision Scanning
3. Spark of light scanning
4. Expansion scan
are designed to increase your clarity and decrease your effort as you receive messages of clear truth that are easily relayed back to you.

The good news is...
If you feel like you struggle to receive clear and consistent intuitive information during your readings, or if you find that you take on others’ emotions and energy, and you haven’t found a simple yet powerful remedy to help others clear and shift from their dysfunction, whether it’s emotional or physical, then this is the right place for you.
Get Started Today

Retreat Day Pass Includes all 5 days
Day Pass includes all 5 days and NO over nights
Join me April 30th - May 4thin Aptos, CA
Tune into your Divine state and inner wisdom
Identify and resolve beliefs
Gain access to time tested methods
and tools that elevate your intuition
It's time to unlock your potential.
What can I expect?
Your results are totally up to you. I promise though, that if you commit to the processes and put in the work, you will see results. Like anything in life, the more you practice the better you become. I can't do this work for you, but you are showing up and practicing what you are taking in, your ability to scan the body, receive greater details and create meaningful and lasting shifts will happen!
Question - How do I access the online program?
Intuitive Body Scanning
Is self-paced and is opened to you over a 6-week period.
Once the program is purchased you are a sight member and will use you Password information to log into the program
Join me for our 2 live calls Thursday July 11th and July 25th at 2 PM Pacific Time (don't worry, if you can't make it, the recording will be sent right to your inbox).
Please note that you will need reliable internet service to take this course.
Can I share course info with a friend?
The insights you learn will definitely be share-worthy, but the activities in each class are tailored for the individuals in this specific course. In order for your friends to get the best results, I recommend they sign up to take the course themselves. This ensures that they are practicing the tools and techniques in the safest and most supportive environment along the way.
Do I have to know anatomy to take this course?
No, actually, you do not. It is good to have a general understanding but as you move through the materials, you begin to interpret messages from the lightbody.
Do I need to have any experience in order to take this course?
This course works really well for practicing energy healers, intuitives and experienced dabblers.

Are you ready for unapologetic confidence?
I have been at this for a long time. I'm lucky enough to have lead more than 100 healing and psychic development seminars while enjoying the sweetness of working with 1:1 clients from around the world... and I have learned (and am still learning) so, so much. I share my tools and methods that have brought greater ease to the work of healers and intuitives and simplistic yet highly impactful processes to see and connect to the body and soul.
If Intuitive Body Scanning feels like a fit for you, know that you are the best part of the equation. The time you put in, your level of commitment, and your dedication to learning and practicing the methods provided are what will unlock your X-Ray Vision
The big picture is enormous. I used to work in a breast cancer unit, every word you wrote and said is true. I used the methods taught in Unlock Your Medical Intuitive to scan my own breasts and learned the emotions they carry and by the end they were giggling with joy.
I've studied emotions and dis-ease in the body for years but the info shared in the heart and circulatory system blew me away. Such good stuff!
Cyndy S.
This greatly enriches and enhances my approach, both in terms of assessment and energetic aspects and gives a nice map through many root issues.
Cindie A.
I used what I learned in Unlock Your Medical Intuitive with a close friend and it was incredible! Being able to put what I learned into practice right away was powerful.
This class opens a new world for me. I never dialogued with my organs and I never really listened to them. Thank you.
I'm loving the videos and body scans!