Beautiful Soul
This excites me, helping you advance your intuitive abilities to see more clearly in the body!
I'm a born mystic and spiritual teacher, intuitive, energy healer, and divine communicator. My work is like water to me, I thirst for it, play within it and find tons of joy helping others activate the missing piece within their own intuitiveness.
You are manifesting all the time
There's a recipe to having a life you are madly in love with and manifesting is one key ingredient.
And, did you know that you are CONSTANTLY manifesting? Can you imagine what would happen if you really focused your attention and your intentions on creating a life you are madly in love with? And, do you ever wonder why you block manifesting the life of your dreams?
I do. In fact, for over a decade I have done many deep dives into these topics for my own growth experiences and to help people just like you identify and break through the barriers that block them from reaching their full potential.
That's why I dedicate quality time with like minded community to focus purely on the secret ingredients to manifesting. When you thrive, others thrive and when you break through limiting beliefs, you are changing group consciousness.
Does the idea of manifesting your 2025 feel selfish, impossible, or like you are limited in some way? Do you ever wonder why things seem to come seamlessly to others and not so seamlessly to yourself?
Let's get to the bottom of this!
One of the common mistakes I see so many people make when it comes to actually allowing themselves the life they want is the belief that they are helping others when they stay in the poverty mind set. Pious, compassionate and loving is the intention behind this but beyond that it is destructive. This is among one of many beliefs that run in the background of your consciousness and larger group consciousness.
Don't worry, I've got you.
I have had lots of practice when it comes to identifying what's in the way (your blind spots) and have curated simple and effective processes to get you out of your own way.
In fact, here's what a student recently had to say
"What an INCREDIBLE shift Rochelle!! I woke up to about a dozen tests from patients wanting treatment packages" M. Moss
So, if you're ready to breakthrough some of your barriers so that you can match your desire and your destiny with your manifesting
And if you find yourself thinking - what secrets could there possibly be, there is so MUCH information when it comes to manifesting- well, that's true but if you haven't received what you have been calling in...then maybe there IS something missing. And this is where my expertise comes in! I want you to fully benefit from my learned lived experience. Whether its been through my personal journey of identifying and resolving patterns and beliefs or from the success I have had working with clients across the globe.
Here's what you already know when it comes to manifesting and beliefs that stand in your way -fear of success - fear of failure - unworthy or undeserving of having your wants and desires - it's selfish to ask for what you want - others need it more than you - You don't want to ask for too much -. Money is bad - Identifying your blocks then resolving them is the next step to magnify your manifesting potential.
Another super common problem I see so many people make, They don't know what they want.
If you don't know what you want, two things happen
1. Your subconscious mind never and I mean never shuts off. This 70% of our brain that science has said we do not use, that never turns off, well, it's working behind the scene to align what it is that your soul wants through manifesting events and situations into reality.
2. The Universe cant effectively conspire with you.
This is one of the key elements to your breakthroughs and that's why it will be one of our focal points in our time together.
We will move through some tangible processes that will help you identify what it is and help you find comfort in stretching out of your comfort zone.
The radical reveal
Have you ever wondered how it benefits you to not know what you want? This is a radical reveal! Finding the benefit of how it serves you to limit yourself in any way is the path to unapologetic manifesting success.
I've seen this over and over again which has made me a bit of an expert when it comes to getting people out of their own way. That's why this will be another focus of our time together.
Yes, no, maybe
What about this pattern, do you recognize it- manifesting what you think you want only to block it a few seconds later? What's that about, right! SO many beliefs are tied into this process, like, the fear of shining, fear of being seen, fear that you will leave someone behind, you don't think you are ready, worried about what others may think, beliefs tied into religion, relationships, early childhood and the list continues.
The problem is that there are countless limiting beliefs, we layer them on and they become a thick coating that obstructs the very core of our nature - abundance -
Return to your abundant nature
Yip! That's right! We are abundant by nature! The Universe is abundant, creation is abundant, this earth we know is abundant. Take a quick look around you, wherever you are there is abundance. Whether it's the air you are breathing, the ocean you are viewing, the birds in the tree's ,the blades of grass at your feet, you my friend are entwined with constant abundance.
What most people don't know and are unable to access in order to manifest
There are deep seeded spiritual aspects to you getting in your own way, once these are identified and you learn to embody the lessons, what and why you create shifts rapidly.
That's why I will guide you through a deep process that helps you access the spiritual aspects of "limits", once you do, there's no going back, don't worry, it's fun!
Effective -Efficient - Accurate
1. Identify what you want
2. Identify and resolve limiting beliefs
3. Practice the stretch out of your comfort zone
4. See, feel, know aspects of manifesting
5. The do's and don'ts of manifesting
6. Designing the life you are madly in love with
7. Allow, Expect, Detach
We will move through these curated techniques that allow you to feel effortless in receiving ingenious insights and resolutions so that you can be madly in love with your life.
The Universe wants to show it all to you (or as much as you can handle) but, you my friend, may be blocking it. Yes, free will can be the block but it's not the only one. Your fear, your doubt and your beautiful ego can obstruct your ability to receive.
I know, I've been there too.
I had a fear of asking for too much. I thought I'd be taking from others that need it more. Then, I'd also limit myself so that people would never think I had too much. Caring what others think, limiting myself to fit in or to let others shine, I have been there.
I have watched my students and clients get in their heads over and over again with beliefs that ultimately block what they are craving the most, which is to live a life they are in love with.
Welcome to this IN PERSON EVENT (yay!) Manifesting is so much fun plus it invites playfulness and joy especially in a like minded group atmosphere. You are invited! Come play, shift limiting beliefs, manifest for your 2025 and add some new ingredients to your manifesting recipe.
When: Dec 28th
Time: 10:30 -3:30 Pacific
Place: Monterey CA
The in-person journey aims to provide you with accurate and meaningful information about manifesting and equip you with the essential tools and techniques to make a real difference in your life. Who wouldn’t want that, right?
Perhaps you have tried other courses before, but let me explain what sets this course apart.
We are multifaceted beings. Often other manifesting techniques leave out the spiritual side. If this side isn't addressed then the breakthroughs you are wanting stay in limbo. Sometimes, all it takes is a little adjustment, and voila!
This in-person journey is specifically designed to help you improve your ability to identify beliefs and resolve them when it comes to manifesting your wants and desires. All skill levels are invited
Why is this so important?
The body and soul work in perfect harmony to aid in growth which includes your manifesting abilities. If your senses aren't trained to recognize essential patterns of energy, you could be missing out on instrumental advancements.
This course is designed to help you enhance your manifesting potential.

This approach is efficient, precise, and playful
It's always so fun to elevate your manifesting abilities, deepen your connection to yourself, learn new things about why you believe the things you do and be with a community that gets you!
That's why our focus is to identify and resolve beliefs that block your deepest wants. Enjoy tangible curated processes that assist in accessing and resolving beliefs . Finally see those blind spots and choose to move beyond them.
Increase your ability to receive meaningful and accurate information. Less effort with greater shifts.
This in person event offers a safe and nurturing environment as you are guided through each manifesting method, building a beautiful foundation that is not only safe but shapes confidence.
You will discover that one of the most potent components you need to know when manifesting, is how to connect to then read from your own light body.. That’s why this course focuses on guided exercises and meditations that take you on a journey exploring information the light body has to share and where to place your focus in your scans.
Then there is this -You're human, you've got your stuff and your stuff can definitely blind your ability to read your own body. Fear, doubt, resentments, judgements, will get in the way. This course shows you how to approach beliefs, programs, physical and spiritual challenges from love and wonder. Master this, and the body will show you everything you need to know.
This is a unique event that offers a safe, nurturing, and powerful community for those seeking it.
If you are Zoom attending, link is sent after purchase
Practiced or Curious Manifesters
Potent and proven processes to magnify your manifesting potential
Identify and release limiting beliefs
Curated processes to comfortably move out of your comfort zone
Learn to work smarter not harder in your scans
Seeing free will at play and why your clients need it to be
Curated tools and techniques to enhance your scans
Safe and nurturing environment to learn, discover and grow as an energy healer, intuitive or dabbler

The Universe wants to conspire with you but if you don't know what you want then you have created a wobble.
Getting unapologetically clear on your wants and desires is essential for a powerful year ahead.
I have the perfect curated exercise to get you there. It's fun and it will stretch you right out of your comfort zone (which is a must)

Ok, so there a some rules when it comes to manifesting, .Once you know them things align.
We will cover these and more in or time together
Learn to get out of your own way.
Identify your blocks then participate in a tangible experience to shift from blocked to full receiving mode.

The joy of manifesting the life you are madly in love with.
You will practice a verity of proven manifesting techniques to amplify you to the law of attraction.

The good news is...
I am invested in your breakthroughs and through my learned and lived experiences I will guide you to unleashing your potent manifesting nature . With over 70 healing and psychic mastery programs taught, I cant wait to share with you everything I know that can advance your skills and abilities so that you can live a life that you are madly in love with.
Get Started Today

Retreat Day Pass Includes all 5 days
Day Pass includes all 5 days and NO over nights
Join me April 30th - May 4thin Aptos, CA
Tune into your Divine state and inner wisdom
Identify and resolve beliefs
Gain access to time tested methods
and tools that elevate your intuition
It's time to unleash your manifesting potential.
What can I expect?
I'm excited to guide you through proven methods that help you truly see your blind spots and limiting beliefs. Then to share simple and effective process that help you to resolve blocks. Through powerful guided processes you will receive messages that will help you navigate your manifesting like never before. By committing to the processes and putting in the work, you will see results. Like anything in life, the more you practice the better you become. And the more meaningful and lasting shifts will happen!
What kind of experience do I need?
None, really. Just an opened mind and a unlimited imagination.
Can I share the course info with a friend?
The insights you learn will definitely be share-worthy, but the activities in each class are tailored for the individuals in this specific course. In order for your friends to get the best results, I recommend they sign up to take the course themselves. This ensures that they are practicing the tools and techniques in the safest and most supportive environment along the way.
Who is this course for?
This course works really well for anyone wanting to magnify their year ahead, release blocks and fall madly in love with life all over again..

Are you ready for unapologetic confidence?
I have been at this for a long time. I'm lucky enough to have lead more than 100 healing and psychic development seminars while enjoying the sweetness of working with 1:1 clients from around the world... and I have learned (and am still learning) so, so much. I share my tools and methods that have brought greater ease to the work of healers and intuitives and simplistic yet highly impactful processes to see and connect to the body and soul.
If Manifesting Your 2025 feels like a fit for you, know that you are the best part of the equation. The time you put in, your level of commitment, and your dedication to learning and practicing the methods provided are what will unleash your manifesting potential.
What students say about learning from me
The big picture is enormous. I used to work in a breast cancer unit, every word you wrote and said is true. I used the methods taught in Unlock Your Medical Intuitive to scan my own breasts and learned the emotions they carry and by the end they were giggling with joy.
I've studied emotions and dis-ease in the body for years but the info shared in this course blew me away. Such good stuff!
Cyndy S.
This greatly enriches and enhances my approach, both in terms of assessment and energetic aspects and gives a nice map through many root issues.
Cindie A.
I used what I learned in Unlock Your Medical Intuitive with a close friend and it was incredible! Being able to put what I learned into practice right away was powerful.
This class opens a new world for me. I never dialogued with my organs and I never really listened to them. Thank you.
I'm loving the body scans!